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Crossover is an American animated web sitcom created and developed by Tyler Geroux. The series features characters from the popular franchises; Bubble Guppies, Super Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, The Lego Movie, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, & My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic as well as original characters. The series is animated in both 3D and 2D animation programs such as Blender & Adobe Animate.

Crossover [Official Logo]


The series follows Molly, Gil, Zooli, the Bubble Guppies, Mr. Grouper, and Bubble Puppy, living in a neighborhood somewhere in the Arizona state with their new friends Mario, Luigi, Sonic the Hedgehog, and their neighbors Emmet Brickowski and Wyldstyle as well as Mario and Luigi's close friend Twilight Sparkle. Over the years, the gang bond, become closer, and share fun moments together.

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